Donation / Giving

The Episcopal Church’s Executive Council recognizes the Episcopal Conference of the Deaf (ECD) as the agency with particular responsibility for the Church’s ministry to deaf people. Since 1881, the ECD has been the oldest national Christian organization seeking to bring the Gospel to Deaf people and people with significant hearing loss.
The ECD encourages the wider Church to be aware of the Deaf community and its needs and supports work in the field with limited grants and seed money for new deaf ministries. Your advocacy and financial support are integral to our efforts.

The ECD:
Partners with dioceses and congregations to strengthen existing Deaf ministries and helps begin new ones.
Provides interpreting and other services for Deaf seminary students pursuing ordination and for Deaf people attending General Conventions of the Episcopal Church.
Offers workshops and training for clergy and lay people.
Publishes The Deaf Episcopalian newsletter.
Maintains our website.
Your tax-deductible donation also supports the work of the ECD beyond membership in the organization. Contribution levels are:
Donations may be sent via Vanco online giving (above) or by check to:
Episcopal Conference of the Deaf
c/o Episcopal Church of the Advent
9373 Garber Rd
Crestwood, MO 63126
All donor information, including name, contact information, and contribution, will be held in the strictest confidence if requested.