ECD Board & Staff Members

The Rev. Richard "Dick" Mahaffy
Rev. Mahaffy is serving his third term as ECD President. He is one of the clergy members at St. Margaret of Scotland Episcopal Church in Sarasota, FL. He leads a Deaf church there once a month.

Jason D. Boyd
Jason is serving his first term as ECD Vice President. We welcome him as a new board member elected at the 76th ECD
Convention 2023.

Ron Selinger
Ron is serving his second term as Treasurer, but this is his third term on the ECD board.

Member at Large 2
Emily Rakassi
Emily serves her first term on the ECD Board as Member at Large. We welcome her as a new board member elected at the 76th ECD Convention 2023.
Deaf Episcopalian editors
Jannie & Elizabeth Holland
Jannie and Elizabeth are the co-editors for the Deaf Episcopalian newsletter. They have been the editors since late 2018.
If you have an article you want to submit, you can email it or set up a time to sign it, and your article will be interpreted and written down.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, you can email the editors at: deaf.episcopalian@ecdeaf.org
Membership Secretary
Ron Selinger
If you have any questions about your membership, email us at membership@ecdeaf.org
Finance Controller
Technology & Communication Coordinator
Jason D Boyd
Welcome, Jason D. Boyd, as the new Technology & Communication Coordinator. Jason has a vast experience in Internet technology for 27+ years, and he will help ECD gain exposure.
If you face any issues with the ECD website, you can email at jboyd@ecdeaf.org